NEPLAN Electricity is a software tool to analyse, plan, optimize and simulate electrical networks. The strength of the software is the extremely user-friendly graphical interface with the extensive libraries for the network elements, protection devices and control circuits, which allows the user to perform study cases very efficiently. The software has a modular concept, is based on international standards, such as IEC, ANSI, IEEE, etc. and is customizable for the European and US market. It is used in transmission, distribution, generation / industrial networks amongst others for network and investment planning, power quality, multi-period optimization, protection setting and assessment, dynamic simulation (RMS/EMT). The stationary and dynamic models for 1-2-3 phase (with neutral and earth wire) AC and DC networks have a high accuracy and performance. Very big network (above 500’000 bus bars) could be easily handled by new IT-techniques and algorithm.
NEPLAN has a client-server architecture and is able to run in a multi-user environment with a common SQL-database. This facilitates team working, both within the same business entity as well as with sharing projects between different departments or companies. An overview of the software is given here
The software is available in different technologies, such as single user desktop or multi-user intranet or cloud application (see box “technologies” below).
NEPLAN is an open system and allows the full access to network data, solution algorithm and internal functions through
- Scripting
- Event definition
- Web services
- OEM Integration to 3rd party environment
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To find out more about the different parts of NEPLAN for electrical networks click on one of the buttons below. A list of modules will appear. Clicking on a module will give you detailed information.
Geographical Data and Maps
NEPLAN has long-term experience in importing GIS data. The software has a strong support for this type of data and also for the visualisation of maps.
NEPLAN offers an efficient Library Manager that provides extensive libraries for elements of any type while it allows the user to create complementary customized libraries. The comprehensive Library Manager is fully integrated. When entering network data, the data in the library can be accessed. Furthermore, the data entered in the network can be exported to the library.
Network Modelling
NEPLAN is handling any type of electrical networks for transmission, distribution and industrial/generation.
Data and Study Case Handling
NEPLAN offers the most intuitive Data Manager, with a multi-document, multi-window, table oriented system. NEPLAN makes data handling easier as ever, as it provides interfaces to external programs and data and graphic can be exchanged with third party software.
Graphical User Interface
NEPLAN offers the most efficient, multi-lingual Graphical User Interface allowing direct design, manipulation and data updating of a whole network, symbol editing and effective representation of networks in diagrams and layers. Chart Manager displays results in the most comprehensive way.
Load Flow / Contingency Analysis
The Load Flow calculation is the most fundamental analysis module and has suitable algorithms for Distribution, Transmission, Generation and Industrial Networks. Any type of electrical power system can be modelled, such as 3-, 2- and 1-phase systems with neutral and earth conductor, AC and DC systems, meshed and radial networks etc.
Short Circuit Analysis
This module performs Short Circuit Analysis on 3-phase, 2-phase and 1-phase AC and DC systems, for single-, two- (with and without earth connection) and three-phase faults. It provides the option of computing line faults or even user-defined fault types such as double earth faults, faults between two voltage levels, conductor opening, etc.
Loadflow Time Simulation
The module Load Flow Time Simulation uses measured time series as well as synthetic load or generation profiles. Based on the normal load flow calculation, time ranges from minutes to years can be simulated.
Motor Starting
This module computes the motor start-up in unlimited networks and offers the possibility of simultaneous or time-delayed start-up for any desired number of motors. Motor Starting module can simulate different motor models, depending on the motor data entered and it also allows for start-up devices, such as star-delta starter, series resistor, transformer, soft starter, etc.
Arc Flash Calculation
Arc Flash Calculation is completely integrated and based on NEPLAN® short circuit and selectivity analysis modules. It calculates the incident energy for reduced and unreduced arcing current and in function of the working distance and it automatically determines the Arcing Fault Clearing Time. It also determines individual arcing current contributions.
Cable Sizing
This module is used for the selection of the type and cross-sectional area of a cable as well as the protection device for an assumed passive or motor load and a given infeed. The cable type can be selected either from the predefined cable library within NEPLAN or from user-defined cable libraries depending on various international standards such as VDE, IEC, NEC, etc. The module can also be used for the inspection of already installed cables.
Overhead Line / Cable Parameter Calculation
This module allows the calculation of line coupling data by entering the information about the conductors characteristics and the conductors arrangements data in the line coupling data input dialogue.
Network Reduction
This module is designed to reduce the size of a network model by replacing sets of buses and the network elements that connect them with a smaller but exact, numerically equivalent network. For a properly chosen set of buses, this equivalent network will have fewer buses and branches than the original, yet still provide the correct response to faults or load flow calculations in the unreduced portion.
Net Transfer Capability (NTC)
This module calculates the limiting MW transfer value between two control areas (source and sink) that is available without any violation of security limits.
Voltage Stability
This module is an ideal tool to provide insight into the nature of voltage stability problems. It allows the examination of a wide range of system conditions providing four approaches for static voltage stability analysis of power systems: V-Q curves, P-V curves, V-Q sensitivity analysis and Q-V eigenvalue analysis (modal analysis).
NEPLAN offers for dynamic analysis an extensive and detailed set of models for all the power system elements, renewable energy sources, storage systems and power electronics.
Stability Analysis (RMS)
The module RMS Stability Analysis is one of the most advanced tool for dynamic simulations on the market and allows to simulate symmetrical and unsymmetrical networks and events.
Electromagnetic Transient (EMT)
The EMT simulation module allows to perform electromagnetic transient simulation in ABC reference frame (multi-phase system), where the electrical model quantities are described by their instantaneous values.
Small Signal Stability
The NEPLAN Small Signal Stability module offers eigenvalue analysis (modal analysis) for electrical power systems. It provides information about the inherent dynamic characteristics of the power system and assists in its design. It combines exceptional ease of use with the latest techniques and standards in both electrical power engineering and software design.
Day – Ahead Congestion Forecast
Purpose of the Day - Ahead Congestion Forecast module (DACF) is to build UCTE files for different topology and loading network scenarios (cases). It can be used for importing UCTE files, running load flows for every hour of the next day and storing the load flow results in UCTE format or as a NEPLAN project.
ERIS- Evaluation of Reliability Index for Electric Systems
The operation of a lean, supply-safe network is becoming increasingly important for grid operators. The importance of quantitative assessment of supply security is increasing. With ERIS (Evaluation of Reliability Index for Electric Systems), you receive an ideal tool for network planning and development as well as for the systematic determination and measurement of supply security during operation. ERIS helps to quantify the security of supply. ERIS can also be used to measure the impact of expansion and renewal investments.
Multi-periode and N-1 constrained Optimal Power
With the Optimal Power Flow module, the operation of a network can be optimized according to objective functions set by the user. The optimal solution ensures also that all variables (voltages, loadings etc.) are within allowed limits. There are various objective functions which can be used.
Investment Analysis (Present Value)
Net present value calculation with NEPLAN is based on two variants: one is the base or pre-investment case and the other the investment case, which is the network with all new components. In the Investment Analysis new components and their investment data are evaluated.
Optimal Capacitor Placement
The purpose of this module is to identify key locations in the radial primary feeders of a distribution network, where the placement of shunt capacitors minimizes the MW losses.
Phase Swapping / Balance
The purpose of this module is to reduce the unbalance in the phases by re-phasing single/two phase loads and lines.
Optimal Network Restoration Strategy
This module is designed to study the impact of single forced (e.g. fault on a line) or planned outages on the electrical distribution system. It finds the optimal switching plan to restore electrical power to customers. It may be used as an off-line application to pre-define strategies in case of outages or as an on-line application to help the network operator find quickly the correct strategy after a fault has occurred.
Economic Cable Sizing and Thermal Analysis
This calculation module checks all cables and overhead lines on their thermal capacity.
Optimal Separation Points
For networks which are structured as meshed but are required to be operated radially, the determining of the radial configuration is needed. The module Optimal Separation Points (Switching Optimization) calculates the optimal radial configuration through the available sectionalizing switches.
Voltage Sags
The module Voltage Sag Analysis calculates the frequency of critical voltage sags (voltage dips) due to short circuits in the network
Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic Analysis can be performed in 3-phase, 2-phase, 1-phase AC systems to test their operating behaviour at frequencies above 50/60 Hz. The module can be used to compute the network impedance and harmonic level for each frequency and for each node as well as the frequency response of meshed networks. The results serve as basis for the planning of ripple control systems, dimensioning of compensators (SVC) and harmonic filters, determination of network impedance for sub-synchronous resonance or filter design.
Reliability Analysis
Reliability Analysis module is used to determine the frequency, average duration and cost of network component failures, leading to supply interruptions. Analysis takes into consideration the outage behaviour of network equipment (failure rate and repair times), the network operation in normal state and for multiple order network contingencies. Admissible short-time component overloading are also accounted for. Realistic generation patterns and load curves are used while the module implements a protection concept including protection failures.
Protection Data Management System (PDMS)
PDMS is a browser-based management software that allows the user to create, modify and delete protection devices, manage existing protection libraries or add new ones and keep history of all changes in the master database.
Overcurrent Protection (Selectivity Analysis)
This module is used for the coordination of various over-current protection devices in a given network. The response of the over-current protection devices is visualized in the Time-Current Characteristic (TCC) curve. These TCC curves can be viewed on the selectivity diagram using which the user can adjust the settings of these devices to protect the cable, transformer, etc.
Distance Protection
The Distance Protection module allows the user to enter distance protection relays with their settings or characteristics, get all voltage, current and impedance values seen by a relay due to a short circuit, set the relay automatically or manually, enter the tripping schedules, and activate a fault clearing procedure. All types of distance protection relays can be entered. All fault types, plus sliding faults of the short circuit module are allowed.
Fault Finding
This module allows the detection of faults in electrical networks. Fault Finding addresses essentially faults in normal networks and in resonance earthed networks (the measured distance related to the total ring length or the total ring reactance).
Advanced Features
Apart from the two explicit protection modules (over current and distance protection), all other protection devices can be defined in NEPLAN and the corresponding calculation or simulation module uses the particular device to perform its duties. Especially the module Dynamic Analysis is able to model any protection device and show its behaviour during an event in the network.
More Information

Find out in which technologies NEPLAN is available.
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System Requirements

NEPLAN runs on any recent PC.
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NEPLAN can be licensed in different ways, On-premises or in the Cloud.
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