NEPLAN offers for dynamic analysis an extensive and detailed set of models for all the power system elements, renewable energy sources, storage systems and power electronics. An extensive library of controllers for e.g. exciters, turbines, PSS, Wind turbines (IEC 61400-27-1 standards) and Photovoltaic (CIRED standard) are available. A subset of available controllers is shown here.
The modules can handle AC and DC networks, including HVDC systems, DC-lines and several DC elements (batteries, photovoltaic panels, fuel cells) at the same time in one common system. All the models are described in the Differential Switched-Algebraic State Reset Equations structure, called DSAR.
The user-defined models could be created by
- the NEPLAN Simulation Language (NSL-SymDef)
- the Graphical Editor with Function blocks
The created models will be automatically compiled to a Dynamic Link Library (dll), which will be used during the simulation. The flexible simulation Framework allows to monitor and control any variable in the network.

Video: Learning video for modelling with NSL-SymDef could be found here