NEPLAN | Load Flow and Short Circuit

Goal of the training course

After this course you will be able to use efficiently the NEPLAN Modules Load-Flow and Short-Circuit. A short view of the theory will make it possible for you to adjust the calculation parameters optimally. As well it will be easy for you to represent the results after your needs.

Course content

Load Flow calculation

  • Short view of the theory of load flow calculation (calculation methods, iteration process)
  • Calculation parameters
  • Setting of reference values
  • Result representation in single line diagram and tables
  • On-load tap-changer of transformers
  • Distributed Slack
  • Calculation of sensitivities of active power losses
  • Area/Zone-regulation with transaction-definition
  • Load balancing
  • Contingency Analysis

Short Circuit calculation

  • Short view of the theory of short circuit calculation (calculation methods)
  • Calculation parameters
  • Calculation of 1 phase, 2 phase, 3phase and special faults
  • Result representation in single line diagram and tables

To whom is this course addressed?

NEPLAN-User and NEPLAN-Beginners. As a requirement, the participant needs to know well the graphical user interface. Therefore the training course «NEPLAN Introduction / graphical user interface» is a good basis.
