NEPLAN Anywhere is a browser-based software with a simplified graphical User-Interface, which facilitates day-to-day tasks in a utility, such as:
- The integration of geodata from the Geographical Information System (GIS)
- The integration of (smart-)meter and measurement data from a Measurement Data Management (MDM) system
- The online monitoring of MV/LV networks
- The assessment and management of connection request for solar panels and electric-vehicle charging stations, including the import/update from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

It is an add-on product to the comprehensive planning tool NEPLAN
10/360. NEPLAN Anywhere communicates with external applications
through standard interfaces, such as web services, and thus acts a
data hub for exchanging network and measurement data. All common
internet browsers (e.g., Edge, Chrome, or Safari) are supported.
NEPLAN Anywhere covers the basic functionality of NEPLAN 10/360 for
network planning and operation, such as:
- Load-flow analysis
- Short-circuit analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Switching optimization
- Selectivity analysis for circuit breakers and fuses
- Time-series simulation
- Hosting-capacity analysis for PV and e-mobility using Monte-Carlo
These functions allows the user to find solutions to critical
connection request. The software is available on any device (desktop,
laptop, or mobile) and platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

Assessment of Connection Requests
Due to the growing share of renewable energy and e-mobility, utilities
have to assess an ever-increasing number of connection requests for
solar panels and electric-vehicle charging stations. In view of the
sheer number of requests expected in the near future, the management
and assessment need to be done as efficiently as possible.
Management of Connection Requests
NEPLAN Anywhere manages the connection requests along with the network
model. This is an important condition for making a correct assessment.
The connection requests can be entered either directly in NEPLAN
Anywhere or be imported/updated from an Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system via webservices. Each entry in the management system
contains a time stamp and the implementation status of the connection
request (i.e., approved/rejected or installed). The results of all
assessments are archived and can be retrieved anytime later.
NEPLAN Anywhere can retrieve smart-meter data from the Measurement Data
Management (MDM) system and process/visualize them. This can be done in
two modes:
- Offline mode for planning
- Online/real-time mode for monitoring
Made For mobile Devices
Traditionally, grid planning is done in the office. Every now and then, an on-site inspection in the transformer station or at the line rout is necessary, but the data entry as well as grid analyses are performed only in the office. The user interface of the intranet solution NEPLAN 10 and the cloud solution NEPLAN 360 are optimized precisely for this use case: i.e., working on a desktop or laptop computer.