Neplan AG is part of the international NEPLAN-Consulting® group, which offers a wide range of power system studies and consultancies with more than 30 years experience. Our experts could help you to find the technically and economically optimal solution in transmission, distribution, industrial networks as well as in generation power plants. The fields of expertise are:
- Integration of Renewable Energy sources
- Storage placement and sizing, Unit commitment, Economic dispatch
- Distribution system planning
- Interaction of renewables and energy storage
- Hosting capacity for solar power plants and eMobility
- Energy loss calculation and identification of non-technical losses
- Probabilistic system planning and Reliability analysis
- Transmission capability nalysis
- System Dynamics and Control
- Improving power transfer and stability through HVDC and FACTS
- Grid Code compliance
- Voltage stability issues
- Transient Analysis and Insulation Coordination
- Harmonic Analysis and Filter design
- Protective Relaying and Controls
- Cable dimensioning, protection settings and security aspects in industrial Networks
- Market and Individual Asset Evaluation
- Feasibility/System Impact/Facility Upgrading
- Grounding, Electromagnetic Field and Interference Analysis
- Strategic and operational Asset management
IT-Services for System Integration
NEPLAN offers a wide range of Software tools for accessing the complete functionality in NEPLAN and its network database as well as interfaces for exchanging information with external tools, like Geographical Information System, SCADA, Smart Grid applications, Protection Device Management Systems or Asset Management systems.
These extremely powerful software tools are used by our customer to integrate NEPLAN into their IT-environment and to automate internal processes for increasing the efficiency in the company. Our highly experienced IT-experts will assist you and your system providers to realize the best solution for your company.
GIS interface and integration
Nowadays the Geographical Information System (GIS) together with technical database are the main sources for describing the network model (electric, gas, water, district heating), the consumers and producers. The information stored in these systems are imported to create in NEPLAN a network model, which represents the actual state of the network, has the same shape as in the GIS and is ready for performing any analysis on it. Normally the NEPLAN network model will be completed with additional information, like protection data, measurement data, etc. In this case it is important that NEPLAN provides an automatic Update & Merging Function in order to update the NEPLAN network model with the latest GIS information.

The GIS is the leading tool in a company. The efficiency in an utility could be increase enormously if simple calculations, e.g. for the assessment of new connections, will be done directly in the GIS. NEPLAN API allows to integrate the calculation algorithm in the GIS for performing all calculations. The network or study case will be transferred to NEPLAN only in case of violation of limits. The problem will be solved by a planning engineer within NEPLAN.
Here examples for integration with ESRI
and Smallworld solution.
Integration of real-time and forecast data
The NEPLAN web services allows to import and manage data from measurement devices or Smart Meters and to create a real-time model of the network. An Integration has been realized with the Measurement Data Management system SILOVEDA.

Accessing network data through tablet and cell-phones
The NEPLAN web services allows to access primary equipment data, calculation results in real-time, protection settings data, etc. through Apps. Our IT-experts supports you to realize your new approach for accessing information.

Day-Ahead Congestion Forecast (DACF)
Performing the DACF, D2CF, IDCF processes and identifying possible congestions and limit violations is one of the most prominent and critical tasks of every system operator. This complex task requires a seamless data exchange between different systems, departments and companies/system operators using various models and data formats. As such, this process has to be fully automated using a reliable and highly performant power system analysis software which also offers support for a wide range of data and file formats.
Thanks to the combination of its robust, over the past decades proven Power Flow engine and its powerful API-s, Neplan represents the perfect solution for this task. Using Neplan, customers can quickly and independently create their own custom solution which perfectly integrates into their existing business process and completely fulfils all their needs and requirements.
With Neplan, the process can be fully automatized, constantly running on a server and performing scheduled analysis at predefined time points or events. To start the DACF process, input data can be imported from different sources and formats, such as CIM/CGMES, UCTE, IEC 62325-451-2, Neplan, Excel, .csv, external DB etc. Once all the data is in, a series of Power Flow calculations will be executed and results will be analyzed for possible violations. The list of contingencies can be predefined (in a file or in a Neplan project) or dynamically created during the process based on the user defined criteria. Similarly, a list of limits to be observed and their values can be predefined or assigned dynamically based on the input data (e.g. Dynamic Line Ratings).
On top of this, Neplan offers a native support for remedial actions during the contingency analysis. The remedial actions for each event (e.g. limit violation) can be defined directly in Neplan using a wide range of available actions, or user can independently implement its own logic using Neplan API-s.
Finally, DACF, results, reports and whole models can be exported in different file formats and exchange standards (e.g. using ENTSO-E certified Neplan CIM/CGMES module, see Attestation).
Key Neplan benefits:
- Simple integration with the existing systems (via API)
- Full flexibility
- Quick implementation using standard programing languages
- Out of box support of various standards (CIM/CGMES, UCTE etc.)
- Proven solution, already used by multiple European TSO-s