NEPLAN offers the most efficient, multi-lingual Graphical User Interface. This video displays how the input of graphical objects in NEPLAN works.
This video shows the functionality of the Load Flow module by the new NEPLAN version V10x. It performs studies for 3-, 2- and 1-phase AC and DC systems for meshed, looped and radial networks from HV to LV. It includes all calculation methods also for disperse generation models such as wind power, photovoltaic (PV), small hydro, geothermic, etc. to address specific applications for symmetrical and asymmetrical systems.
This video shows how to use the time simulation with synthetic profiles
This video shows how to use the time simulation with field (real time) measurements
This video shows how to use the time simulation with load allocation
This video displays the functionality of the Short Circuit module which performs studies on 3-phase, 2-phase and 1-phase AC and DC systems, for single-, two- (with and without earth connection) and three-phase faults. It provides the option of computing line faults or even user-defined fault types such as double earth faults, faults between two voltage levels, conductor opening, etc.
This video displays the use of protection devices and the Overcurrent Protection module of NEPLAN.
This video gives an introduction into NEPLAN Dynamic Simulator, one of the most advanced tool for stability analysis on the market.
This video shows how to model controllers, network elements and protections with NEPLAN Simulation Language SymDef
This video displays the possibility that NEPLAN Dynamic Simulator provides to develop user defined models. For each element it is possible to build a user defined model using either function blocks, or user defined DLL or interface with Matlab/Simulink®
This video displays the functionality of the Reliability Analysis module which determines the frequency, average duration and cost of network component failures, leading to supply interruptions.
A description of the ERIS Module that was developed in collaboration with Axpo.
This video displays the functionality of Optimal Separation Points module which eliminates all network meshes by changing the network topology. From the possible topology states, the procedure selects the one that minimizes network losses, considering all activated constraints and without isolated sub-systems.
This video displays the functionality of the Distance Protection Module which allows the user to enter relays with their settings or characteristics and get all voltage, current and impedance values seen by the relay.
This video displays the functionality of the Motor Starting module which computes the motor start-up in unlimited networks and offers the possibility of simultaneous or time-delayed start-up for any desired number of different motor models.
Harmonic Analysis computes the network impedance and harmonic level for each frequency and for each node as well as the frequency response of meshed networks.
This video displays the functionality of the Optimal Capacitor Placement module which identifies the locations in the radial primary feeders of a distribution network, where the placement of shunt capacitors minimizes the MW losses.
This video displays the functionality of the Load Flow module in asymmetrical networks.
This video displays the functionality of the Voltage Stability module, which allows the examination of a wide range of system conditions providing four approaches for static voltage stability analysis of power systems: V-Q curves, P-V curves, V-Q sensitivity analysis and Q-V eigenvalue analysis (modal analysis).
This video displays the functionality of the NEPLAN Programming Library, a C/C++ API library, which allows user to access NEPLAN data and calculation engines to develop customized calculation algorithms through a C/C++ program. The compiler used for creating the C/C++ program, which is a dynamic link library (dll), is MS Visual Studio 2008 and later.
This video shows the functionality of the Load Flow module which performs studies for 3-, 2- and 1-phase AC and DC systems for meshed, looped and radial networks from HV to LV. It includes disperse generation models such as wind power, hotovoltaic, small hydro, geothermic, etc. and provides a wide variety of calculation options to address specific applications. Modelling can be particularly defined with NEPLAN® C/C++ API.
This video displays the functionality of the Reliability Analysis module which determines the frequency, average duration and cost of network component failures, leading to supply interruptions.
This video displays the use of protection devices and the Overcurrent Protection module of NEPLAN.
This video displays the functionality of the Load Flow module where user can assign user-defined scaling factors to loads with individual characteristics.
This video displays the functionality of the NEPLAN Dynamic Simulator, one of the most advanced tools for dynamic simulations on the market.
This module performs the electromechanical (RMS) and electromagnetic transient studies (EMT) to analyze the dynamic behavior of the power system under various operating conditions and system disturbances. It can be used in balanced/unbalanced for AC and DC networks
Overcurrent Protection module is used for the co-ordination of various protection devices in a given network and ensure the safety of the system. It allows the user to design proper protection scheme that can guarantee fast, selective and reliable relay operation to isolate the faulty section of the power system.
This module performs single-, two- (with and without earth connection) and three-phase faults on symmetrical as well as unsymmetrical AC and DC networks. Faults on busbars as well as on lines with user defined fault distance can be computed. NEPLAN provides an option to simulate special faults such as double earth faults, faults between two voltage levels, conductor opening, etc.
This module performs Load Flow studies for 3-, 2- and 1-phase AC and DC systems for meshed, looped and radial networks from HV to LV. It includes disperse generation models such as wind power, photovoltaic, small hydro, geothermic, etc. and provides a wide variety of calculation options to address specific applications for symmetrical and asymmetrical systems.
Statistics and test case results of ENTSO-E Initial Dynamic Model implemented in web-based NEPLAN V10/360 power systems analysis tool.
Beschreibt das Asset Management-Modul und seine Anwendungen.
Describes the Asset Management Module and its applications.
Descriptions and examples for Wind Turbine Models (WT1A, WT1B, WT2, WT3A, WT3B, WT4A, WT4B) now included as standard dynamic models in NEPLAN.
Standard Dynamic Turbine-Governor Systems in NEPLAN Power System Analysis Tool.
Standard Dynamic Power System Stabilizers in NEPLAN Power System Analysis Tool.
Standard Dynamic Excitation Systems in NEPLAN Power System Analysis Tool.
XGSLab is one of the most powerful software packages for grounding system analysis, electromagnetic fields, interference and lightning analysis and the only software on the market that takes into account both EN and IEEE Standards.
Beschreibt NEPLAN Gas / Wasser / Wärme / Kälte und seine Module.
Gibt einen Überblick über NEPLAN Strom für On-premise- und Cloud Lösung.
Describes NEPLAN Gas / Water / Heating / Cooling and its modules.
Describes briefly how NEPLAN can be used for managing smart grids.
Describes NEPLAN DACH, which for connecting electrical equipment to LV and MV networks allows on a simple way to calculate the new standard for connecting electrical equipment to LV and MV networks.
Gives an overview of NEPLAN electricity for on-premise and cloud solution.
Due to the dynamic development of energy generation in photovoltaic installations,
a reliable assessment of their impact on the level of energy losses in distribution networks is needed.
For energy companies managing network resources, this issue has a very tangible practical aspect.
Therefore, ongoing analyses of the level of electricity losses based on actual measurement data of
prosumers are needed. In the paper, the influence of energy introduced by prosumer photovoltaic
installations on energy losses in a low-voltage radial line is investigated. The issue is examined
from three perspectives: 1. Focused on energy supplied into the low-voltage grid from photovoltaic
installations; 2. the installations’ locations; and 3. the product of energy and distance from the power
source. Comparative assessments are made of the examined aspects for 87 possible locations of
prosumer installations in the tested low-voltage network. An analysis of energy losses is carried out
both for the entire analysed network and separately for the line and the transformer. The changes
in energy losses are influenced by both the power and the location of the photovoltaic installations.
Based on the research findings, functions defining relative changes in energy losses in the low-voltage
network are determined.
El transporte es el sector que mayor impacto tiene sobre la transformación energética tanto en Colombia como a nivel global. La electrificación de vehículos es uno de los factores que tiene potencial de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero. Debido a la masificación de los vehículos eléctricos (VE) a nivel urbano, las redes de distribución de energía eléctrica deben estar preparadas para alojar la carga adicional que estos constituyen. Este documento expone los impactos que provocará la entrada de VE sobre los sistemas de distribución y los análisis que deben llevar a cabo los operadores de red para implementar planes de acción que eviten situaciones de estrés y restricciones operativas sobre su sistema.
Abstract- Many electrical and power systems engineering laboratories must be virtual ones, because practical experiences cannot be performed on a HV transmission system and some of the equipments required are often expensive. Since 2002, the Electrical Engineering Department from “Petru Maior” University of Tg.Mureş has incorporated into its curriculum computer aided design and analysis with the aim to enhance the students’ theoretical understanding and develop power engineering practical skills. The paper describes the authors experience in the assessment of laboratory activities based on NEPLAN software used extensively for the Power Systems Course at “Petru Maior” University of Tg.Mureş : the main capabilities, features and benefits of this professional software for education process and research activities. Finally, the paper highlights the future works and concerns of our Power Systems Group to develop the practical advantages of one of the most
successful power system software – NEPLAN .
Introducción – La competitividad de las empresas está basada en la efectividad de sus procesos medidos en eficacia y eficiencia. Es bajo esa premisa que la gestión de activos aparece como una estrategia primordial dentro del modelo de negocio. De esa manera, la gestión de activos se convierte en un modelo colaborativo en los diferentes niveles de la organización y así lo han entendido los entes regulatorios de los países quienes entienden que una infraestructura avanzada es uno de los pilares del desarrollo económico (Balzer & Schorn,
2015). Las últimas directrices y resoluciones emitidas por la Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG) apuntan a ese objetivo estratégico de país, ya que la tarea de un país eficiente es renovar su infraestructura existente sólo cuando ésta ha alcanzado su ciclo de vida logrando así prosperidad para las empresas y para la población. La estructura del suministro de energía está en plena etapa de modernización, si se supone que la edad promedio de los equipos es de 40 años, está claro que en los próximos años se espera que la infraestructura existente integre nuevas tecnologías para controlar la confiabilidad y la seguridad
del suministro de energía. La llamada “red inteligente” se ha vuelto muy importante en el desarrollo de sistemas de infraestructura y en todo momento se presenta como una solución para todos los problemas futuros de suministro de energía.
Abstract – La transformación de los sistemas de energía en sistemas inteligentes y controlados es una tendencia mundial que se ha venido desarrollado al interior de los campus universitarios. Universidades alrededor del mundo han dispuesto sus instalaciones para la implementación de redes inteligentes con el objetivo de dar a conocer un ambiente completamente funcional de las Smart-Grids y demostrar la amplia aplicabilidad que ´estas tienen. Este documento describe la implementación de una plataforma de gestión energética en tiempo real al interior del campus de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – sede Bogotá. Su implementación es llevada a cabo como parte del proyecto de investigación titulado “Laboratorio Nacional de Redes Inteligentes en el Campus Universitario lab+i”. El desarrollo de esta plataforma tiene como objetivo dotar al campus universitario de una infraestructura que permita la integración de las diferentes tecnologías y elementos que hacen parte de una Smart Grid, así como establecer una metodología de pruebas, tanto de software como de hardware, para la evaluación de la funcionabilidad y desempeño de estas tecnologías como conjunto. Para lograr esto se hace necesario contar con sistemas de medida, de comunicación, de almacenamiento de información y de análisis lo suficientemente abiertos, que permitan la integración de cualquier tipo de tecnología o equipo sin importar sus características particulares.
Abstract— The increasing penetration of Decentralized Generation (DG) among other factors rises the essential need to adapt and plan the distribution systems in an optimal way to achieve an appropriate cost-efficient development of networks to be prepared for the future grid development. This paper analyzes the impact to using higher nominal voltage levels in distribution networks to improve the hosting capacity of the network, its performance, and at the same time reducing network losses.
Through a repetitive process for different scenarios proposed, the benefits of the voltage level increase for an IEEE test network were determined. Three voltage levels (13.2kV, 20kV and 24,9kV) were analyzed starting with a base case and different variations to simulate practical cases respecting voltage limits and capacities of the elements. DG location, DG capacities, DG integration levels were also considered as part of the Hosting Capacity calculation.
Using equivalent grid characteristics, this work compares also the performances of overhead networks (OHL) and networks using underground cables for the various scenarios in order to analyze further improvements which are part of distribution networks in Europe.
Conclusions and recommendations for the planning stage of these improvements are also presented.
This is a preview about the Inter-Area Oscillations in the 500-kV Vietnamese Power System. If you are interesting regarding its full paper please contact us:
Abstract— The paper presents the study of the 500-kV Vietnamese power system. The oscillatory response of the system is analyzed both with a modal analysis and a time domain analysis. The 500-kV system of Vietnam is modeled in details, including all the power plants with the corresponding regulators. The model is developed in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Science IES-VAST of Vietnam and it is validated with the data provided by the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) of Vietnam. The simulation results reveal a clear identification of potential inter-area oscillations between North and South of the Country. A worsening of the observed phenomenon should be considered as possible, especially in the perspective of the new installation of a significant amount of power from renewable sources into the Vietnamese system.
This is a preview about the Inertial response of isolated power networks. If you are interesting regarding its full paper please contact us:
Abstract— The constant increase of power generation provided by renewable energy source (RES) power plants is causing a progressive reduction of the overall inertia of the power systems. Especially in the case of small, isolated power networks, the replacement of conventional generation plants with RES power plants can affect significantly the frequency response of the system. The critical low-inertia conditions can be improved by the introduction of specific additional controls to the RES power converters. These control schemes are known as “synthetic inertia” or “virtual inertia” controls. The paper analyzes the impact of a derivative-based inertial control on a small, isolated power system, with a relevant share of power supplied by a wind power plant. The inertial response control is added to the standard IEC wind turbine active power controller of type WT4A. Simulations performed on the dynamic model of the system indicate the appearance of frequency oscillations in response to the applied power unbalance. A comprehensive analysis of the observed phenomenon is given, and a tuning of the inertial control parameters is then proposed. Simulations repeated with the proposed tuning of the controller prove the validity of the applied modifications, and show a satisfactory transient response of the system, even in the case of critical low-inertia conditions.
This is a preview about the Impact of Converter-Interfaced Generation to the Frequency Response of the European Power. If you are interesting regarding its full paper please contact us:
Abstract—The increase of converter-interfaced generation (CIG) typically related to renewable energy sources is progressively causing a significant change of power systems operation. The curtailment of synchronous generation with the consequent reduction of the overall kinetic energy is one of the related issues, currently under investigation in academia and industry. The work considers the problem of overall inertia reduction from a large-scale point of view, analyzing the impact of different CIG integration levels to the frequency response of the power system of Continental Europe. The kinetic energy is evaluated for each country of the synchronous area, and the system is modified substituting conventional synchronous generation with converter-interfaced generation. The models of power converters and corresponding controls follow typical representation for stability studies: they are modeled as controlled current sources with active and reactive power control loops, implemented as user-written equations within the overall mathematical model of Continental Europe power system. Comprehensive time-domain simulations are performed for each scenario, assuming the system subjected to a power plant outage: the obtained frequencies for Western, Central and Eastern Europe are reported, and typical frequency metrics are used to evaluate the response of the system across the different scenarios. Results show how the penetration of CIG affects the frequency response of the system, in terms of instantaneous frequency deviation and maximum frequency rate. A significant change in the inter-area oscillations is also observed, with a progressive increase of the oscillation frequency of the East-West mode, as confirmed by the modal analysis of the system.
This is a preview about the WT Type 4 Benchmarks for IEC 61400-27-1. If you are interesting regarding its full paper please contact us:
Abstract – Since several years there has been a constant effort at international level for the standardization and the validation of different types of wind turbine (WT) dynamic models. The paper focuses on the IEC 61400-27-1 type 4 model, proposing and fully describing two benchmark systems for the assessment of dynamic performance. The first system is a simple setup and it is designed to specifically assess the transient response of the WT controls. The second system is based on the IEEE 9-bus test system, and it is a multi-machine configuration allowing for the inclusion of the typical power system dynamics of synchronous machines and corresponding primary regulators. System configurations, models and parameters are designated with the purpose of interoperability and replicability, aiming to models comparison and validation.
Due to incentive-based regulation and in particular the amendment from 2016, distribution system operators in Germany face increasing cost pressures. Structured asset management can be used as the foundation for a cost efficient use of the grid equipment. As part of this paper, a methodology will be presented for combination of strategic and operative elements of asset management in a holistic investment schedule. On the one hand, the main building block is strategic network planning for identifying the need for action based on future supply tasks, and on the other a structured assessment of the condition of current network equipment. This paper focuses on the methodology and results of the strategic network planning. The methodology for deriving an investment schedule based on status and strategy indices was applied to the distribution grid of Stadtwerke Ratingen GmbH.
Seit der Liberalisierung des Energiesektors und der Einführung der Anreizregulierung ist der Kostendruck auf die Netzbetreiber enorm gestiegen. Netzbetreiber müssen sich widersprechenden Zielen gerecht werden: die Kosten senken und eine hohe Versorgungssicherheit gewährleisten. Der Aufsatz zeigt anhand eines fiktiven Mittelspannungsnetzes die Vorteile einer Assetmanagementsoftware auf.
Calculation of lightning effects in the frequency domain with a program based on hybrid methods, International colloquium on lightning and power systems,
Jan Meppelink (Soest University – Germany), Roberto Andolfato (SINT Ingegneria – Italy), Daniele Cuccarollo (SINT Ingegneria – Italy)
A numerical simulation tool for cathodic protection and electromagnetic interference analysis, NACE Milano Italia Section – Conference & Expo 2016,
Roberto Turri, Roberto Andolfato, Daniele Cuccarollo
The second part of the progress study report on impact analysis for integration of wind power generation in Colombia, with focus on the market and regulatory aspects.
The first part of the progress study report on impact analysis for integration of wind power generation in Colombia, with focus on AEP and financial feasibility. Study case is a 400 MW wind farm project.
A project report on impact analysis for integration of wind power generation in Colombia.
Boletin IIE, 2015: Beneficios del Simulador del Sistema Eléctrico de Distribución.
Measurement-based exponential recovery load model: Development and validation.
2014, Luis Rodríguez-García, Sandra Pérez-Londoño & Juan Mora-Flórez, National University of Colombia
Andreas Schuster and Markus Litzlbauer, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives
EEVC, Brussels, Belgium, October 26-28, 2011. Sandford Bessler, Jesper Grønbæk, Max Herry, Andreas Schuster, Rupert Tomschy
Evaluation and Enhancement of Potential Severn Barrage Schemes
En concordancia con el avance e integración de fuentes de Energías Renovables No Convencionales en el sistema de transmisión nacional, se hace necesario considerar desde el planeamiento mismo el impacto que tienen dichas fuentes en el funcionamiento de los sistemas eléctricos.
With the further integration of renewable enery sources in the national transmission system of electrical energy it is important to consider these already in the fase of planning and find out what impact they will have on the electrical systems.
How to increase the capacity of distribution grids to host distributed generation.
Steigerung der Kapazität von Verteilnetzen zur Einbindung dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen
The reliability of Port Harcourt distribution network using Choba as a case study was assessed and analysed using various reliability indices in this paper. The network under study was modelled in NEPLAN (power system software) simulation environment using data obtained from Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) between June-November 2012
Uhunmwangho R., Omorogiuwa E., University of Port Harcourt
Réseaux électriques équipés de mesureurs de phase
H. Sauvain, J. F. Affolter, J. Bertsch
Bulletin SEV/VSE
Probabilistic Reliability Calculations for the Grid Connection of an Offshore Wind Farm
9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, ABB
Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von Fernwärmenetzen
TU Graz
SEPOPE: Simulation of Power Systems Dynamics using Dynamic Phasor Models
SEPOPE, Demiray
Assessing the Impacts of Increasing Penetration of HVDC Lines on Power System Reliability
KTH, Osama Swaitti
Reliability Study: Analysis of Electrical Systems within Offshore Wind Parks
Dong Energy – Towards the intelligent utility network
Peter Vinter, CIRED
Asset-Simulation: Langzeitsimulation am Beispiel eines Mittelspannungskabelnetzes
L. Asgarieh, G. Balzer; TU Darmstadt, U. Jordan, H. Rost; Stadtwerke Bochum GmbH, M. Mathis; ABB Mannheim.
Analysis of Phenomena, that Affect the Distance Protection
C. Gallego, J. Urresty, and J. Gers, IEEE
Evaluation study for the Simulation of Power System Transients using Dynamic Phasor Models
Power Engineering Education using NEPLAN software
Dorin Bica, Catalin Moldovan, Marius Muji; Petru Maior University
Characteristics of the new Power System Dynamic Simulator in NEPLAN
Operation Simulation of out of step relays using Comtrade files and Transient Stability Analysis
Juan M Gers, PhD, GERS USA
Using continuous state estimation in grid planning
Peter Vinter, Hans Knudsen, CIRED
CIRED: A real case of self healing Distribution Network
A real case of self healing Distribution Network
DONG energy
Using Continuous State Estimation in Grid Planning
Rechnergestützte Bewertung von Hochspannungsfreileitungen; Ein standardisiertes Verfahren zur Ableitung von Instandhaltungsmassnahmen
Bulletin SEV/AES
Grid Example: Rotor Angle Stability with HVDC Light Link
An architecture for integrating an Expert System with NEPLAN in a DMS/EMS operational environment
Fidel Borjas, Alfredo Espinosa,Agustin Quintero IEEE
Automated Testing of Networks in NEPLAN
Cosmin Bucur
On-Line Simulator for Decision Support in Distribution Control Centers in a Smart Grid Context
A. Espinosa-Reza, A. Quintero-Reyes, R.Garcia-Mendoza, J. F. Borjas-Diaz, T. M. Calleros-Torres, B. Sierra-Rodriguez, R. Torres-Abrego, WSEAS
Asset Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment for Gas Insulated Substation
G.Balzer, C.Neumann, CIGRE
A heuristic-based approach for reliability importance assessment for energy producers.
2011, English, A. Akhaevin, M. Fotuhi Firuzabad, ENERGY POLICY
Asset Simulation steuert Investitionsbudget
2011, Deutsch, Leyla Asgarieh, Prof. Dr. .Ing Gerd Balzer, Dr. Ing. Armin Gaul, Dipl., Ing Manfred Mathis
Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität auf die Niederspannungsnetze. Eine praxisorientierte Betrachtung.
2011, Deutsch, Bachelorarbeit, Martin Antonius Göbel
Adequacy equivalent development of composite generation and transmission systems using network screening
A.Akhavein, M. Fotuhi-Firuzabad, R. Billinton. D.Farokhzad, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution
Setting of PSBOSP Considering Transient Stability DPSP – 2008 Rev 1
2008, James Megger, Juan M GERSUSA, IET Glasgow
Development of procedures in power system software environment for automatic data import and management of active distribution networks within the framework ATLANTIDE project.
2013, L. Meneghini, R. Turri, University of Padova, Italy