This is a preview about the Inter-Area Oscillations in the 500-kV Vietnamese Power System. If you are interesting regarding its full paper please contact us:
Abstract— The paper presents the study of the 500-kV Vietnamese power system. The oscillatory response of the system is analyzed both with a modal analysis and a time domain analysis. The 500-kV system of Vietnam is modeled in details, including all the power plants with the corresponding regulators. The model is developed in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Science IES-VAST of Vietnam and it is validated with the data provided by the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) of Vietnam. The simulation results reveal a clear identification of potential inter-area oscillations between North and South of the Country. A worsening of the observed phenomenon should be considered as possible, especially in the perspective of the new installation of a significant amount of power from renewable sources into the Vietnamese system.