With the Optimal Power Flow module, the operation of a network can be optimized according to objective functions set by the user. The optimal solution ensures also that all variables (voltages, loadings etc.) are within allowed limits. There are various objective functions which can be used such as active power losses, generation production cost and many more, and these can be also combined in a multi-objective optimization.
The optimization can be performed for a given status of a network or for a desired time frame (multi-period).
Additionally NEPLAN features also Security Constrained Optimization (with n-1 contingency constraints) to determine not only optimal but also secure solutions.
State of the art mathematical solvers are used to guaranty robustness and top performance for highly complex optimization problems.
General Characteristics
- OPF models e.g. for synchronous machines, regulating transformers, HVDC systems and FACTS (UPFC, STATCOM, SVC, TCSC).
- Variable limits setting and conforming.
- Flexible limits setting, individual or general.
- Solution can be found for a whole network or for a part (area or zone).
- Several objectives functions which can be combined with weighting factors.
- Security constrained optimization (with N-1 contingency constraints).
- Multi-period OPF.
- and more…