NEPLAN | Training

NEPLAN AG offers training courses or workshops in Küsnacht, Switzerland at its home offices as well as at customer site according to specific requirements. Additional courses are provided by our partners around the world.

Below you can see a list of the standard training courses taking place in Switzerland, as well as an overview of the standard courses offered by our partners in Germany and Colombia.


Trainings in Küsnacht, Switzerland

The following courses are held at the home offices of NEPLAN AG. The fee for each standard training course is CHF 1100 Special courses are announced two months in advance. Click on the required training course for more information.
If you are interested in a training course that takes place on a date inconvenient for you, please inform us through the on-line enrollment form.

Overview of the courses is given here:

NEPLAN training program enroll


Trainings in Mannheim, Germany

Below can find an overview (in German) of the courses offered by ABB in Mannheim, Germany. Here you can enroll for one of the courses or book an in-house training session where company specific issues can be considered.

NEPLAN training program in Mannheim


Trainings in Bogotá D.C., Colombia

GERS Colombia is offering courses in Spanish, covering a wide variety of subjects.To enroll in the courses, contact GERS at